
Contributors and Commentators

By: roddy
Posted in: Announcement
Contributors and Commentators

If you want to contribute articles to this website, then please register as a "contributor quota". If you would like to comment on any of the articles, then please register as a "commentator". We are looking for both since this website is aimed at being a facility which everyone can draw from. A place where people can find the facts about every facet of Scotland's wealth.

The name It's Scotland's Oil may only represent one aspect of our nation's wealth but, it is a memorable name and the site will become known for the specific area which it focusses on.

We are looking for specialists and activists in every field of our nation's wealth: oil and gas; renewables; energy (in general); whisky; agriculture; exports; Government statistics etc.

If you want to be a key member of this exciting new website, then please come onboard.