

When we find newspaper articles, government reports or any other third party publications, they do not go into "Articles", they go into Downloads. "Articles" is and will be, for publications generated by this site. At the time of writing, "Articles" is empty.

If you are either an expert or an authority on oil, gas, renewables, manufacturing, trade, economics etc. Then please make contact with me. We would like blogs and articles from you.

In the meantime, we are populating "Downloads" as quickly as we can (likewise "Youtube" and "Gallery".




New Uploads

By roddy, 2014-12-01

Hi Everyone,
I have just uploaded some more articles (in the Download section). I have a lot more to put on the site so have a look regularly. Contributors are also coming on board, so it will not just be me.


Do have a look at the Youtube videos if you have not seen them already. There is so much information in them - the interview with John Jappy is one of my favourites.


By roddy, 2014-11-30

Claim of Right

By roddy, 2014-11-28

1989 (30 Mar.) - Scottish Constitutional Convention's Claim of Right is signed.......The Episcopalian clergyman Canon Kenyon Wright, who became the Convention's chairman, is famous for his quote: "What if that other voice we know so well responds by saying 'We say No and we are the state?' Well, we say Yes and we are the people!" 

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